CME CBOT: YM - DJIA Dow Jones Index Futures prices Long term Forecast - up to 34240 - Stock trading today

[ CME CBOT: YM - DJIA Dow Jones Index Futures weekly chart]
CME CBOT: YM - DJIA Dow Jones Index Futures price Long term Forecast - up to 34240

Will the Dow Jones index futures go higher? They are likely to continue to climb.
How high will they rise? They are likely to go up to 34240.

An important support line is 25075. The key price is 26439. What we need to watch is if their flow goes down to 25078. If their flow goes over  26439, it will mean they will continue to rise.

If stock indexes collapse, what will happen to the US? It may be a catastrophe. So-called They will mobilize all means and methods to raise stock indexes. Perhaps, it seems to be the only way they can go.

Dow Jones index futures are likely to rise to 34240 over the next two to three years.