2019 2020 2021 USD to BRL : Brazilian Real Exchange rate Long-term forecast - up to 5.57

Brazilian Real (USD/BRL) is crossing a very important level of 4.0. This could be a signal showing USD/BRL rate will go higher. The long-term target could be 5.57 or so. Two meaningful prices are 3.85 and 3.58. If the rate falls below 3.85, It would be better to buy USD/BRL.

I do not know what is going on there and why USDBRL is going up. However, the rising rate tells something important is happening there. It would be wise to prepare for such a situation in advance.

In my opinion, US dollar is likely to be strong against any other currencies for some years. Many people say the US dollar will be collapsed. I agree in the long-run, but not yet.

[ USD / BRL rate monthly chart ]
USD to BRL : Brazilian Real Exchange rate Long-term forecast - up to 5.57