News weekly : must read and consider - Sunday, February 14, 2021

News weekly : must read and consider
Silver Is Going To At Least $200 And Gold Is Going To End Up At $20,000
- The only way you can really be prepared for this kind of change right now is to own gold, silver and commodities. You can do that through the (mining) stocks too.

Silver, A Good Alternative to Gold and Bitcoin
- This is not to say that gold and bitcoin will not continue to rise, but we are already on historical highs for both assets. Conversely, silver has to double to its historic high of $50 per ounce. Silver is severely undervalued, which I believe represents an opportunity for investors," the expert concludes.

Swiss Firm Issues Major Warning About QE-To-Infinity, Gold, Silver And The Great Reset
- What the Big Banks Fear?
- Fake Gold, Fake Pricing
- Silver’s Artificial Price Ceiling

“Houston, we have a Problem”: 85% of Silver in London already held by ETFs.
- ETFs / ETCs / Transparent holdings store 28,698 tonnes of Silver in LBMA London vaults, over 85% of all the silver in LBMA London.

Capitalists consolidate control over U.S. farmland
- The amount of farmland in the United States has been in steady decline for most of the 21st century. While roughly 40% of the country’s land area remains devoted to agriculture, 14 million acres of farmland were lost to ecological devastation or development between 2012 and 2017. (American Farmland Trust) At least 2 million additional acres have been lost every year since then.
- Black farm owners have been hit the hardest. Since 1920, over a million Black families have lost their farms, and they now constitute less than 2% of all farm owners.

Corona Fake Pandemic: Italy Subjected to a Holy Inquisition of False Science
- We have been spied on, subjugated, treated like criminals by a government that in two months has destroyed our fundamental, natural and constitutional rights. Parliament has been replaced by the various task forces that have de facto placed Italy in the hands of Commissions composed of lobby colleagues and international colleagues.